Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Welcome Autumn

Today was the first day of Autumn.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What a difference 15 minutes makes!

I cleaned my dresser off. All the magazines and library books went on the bookshelf. Sunglasses and keys went into my purse. The pile of dvds (not shown in the messy pic) found a new home in a cute box. I swiffer dusted and even lit a good smelling candle.

Big thanks to Meg for the great advise! I will definitely be adding the 15 minute daily clean up to my life.

I have a problem

Hello my name is Emilie and I have a very messy room.

Normally I am very anal maybe even borderline OCD about the organization and cleanliness of my room. But lately I have not been cleaning much. I will blame it on my busy summer, getting sick, and lack of energy.


Junk in front of bed: laundry basket full of beauty junk,
bag of paper garbage
, two Walgreen bags,
box with boots nee
ding to be returned.

Junk on dresser: library books, magazines, keys,
sunglasses, hair elastic, lint roller, another Walgreens bag.

Junk on bookshelf/makeup table: 3 boxes from sephora
one need to be sent back for return, unorganized books and magazines.

Junk in front of closet: Box of stuff, scarfs that need a home,
sweaters that need to be put away, box of get rid of clothes,
clothes that need to be hung in closet, other assorted junk.

The mess is really bothering me. . I do not have any excuses any more but I just can not seem to get it cleaned up. Every time I try things just get moved to another area. Or I get confused and ask myself "where does that even go?".

What should I do? How does everyone tackle their messy areas? Maybe I should just try to clean one area at a time.

btw I left out the gore that is my bathroom, thats a mess too.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go away summer. You won't be missed.

I'm not sure if many of you know this but, I had a rough summer. Nothing really horrible or tragic happened. The past three months have just been depressing and unpleasant. I was busy with school, had little social interaction and felt sick.

Summer school was tough. I took ten units. One class was a six week accounting class that had three hour lectures four days a week and two hour tests every Monday. World Music was not too bad I guess. If you don't mind listening to 10-15 different music clips per week enough times to be able to distinguish and identify their county origin, music style, and the musical group preforming the piece for a weekly test. Let me just say if I never hear another tribal yell or monkey sounding grunting noise again, it will be too soon. Business Law was good. Just read a lot, take mid-term, read a lot more, take final. Except when it came to final taking time. I was not feeling too well. It seriously took all my energy to finish the three hour test. During the last half hour my brain stopped working and I started just picking one of the multiple choice answers. I am just soooo grateful I finished all the classes and managed to pass with two A's and a B.

August was the worst. I started to feel sick, extremely fatigued, thirsty, peeing a lot, headaches, and nauseated. Things got so bad I went to the emergency room. Where I found out I was most likely diabetic. Three clinic visits with three different doctors and a bunch of lab work later, I found out I definitely had diabetes. I would like to not count the first of those clinic visits because, the doctor was an idiot! First he did not speak English very well and there was difficulty understand him. Second He prescribed me insulin without giving me proper instructions on how to administer it to myself. Um HELLO I am pretty sure most people do not know how to give them selves injectable drugs. I am very relieve that my last two doctors agreed that I should exhaust all my oral medication options before taking any insulin. Now I am taking two medications, I am feeling better and my blood sugar is coming down. I have also had to make a few lifestyle changes. Like cutting out sugar, less carbs,and increasing exercise.

I am not sad to officially say "good bye" to summer in 18 days (yes i'm counting down). I may take one last swim, wear shorts, and enjoy a sugar free Popsicle. But come September 22, I am all for the temperature dropping, leaves falling, and other goodies that fall brings.